Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Perfecting Power Point Presentations

For my computer skills students, I've been working on improving their Power Points. My goal has been for them to not only improve their topic choices, but just as importantly, their actual presentation skills. I will show them a number of slides and slide shows that worked well versus those that didn't and I want them to be able to critique what worked well and what didn't. In addition, I've decided to introduce them to Slide Share and some You Tube videos, so that they can visually understand some of the key points I'm attempting to get across. To that end, I have attached the following links that I plan on using during these PowerPoint lessons.


By sharing slideshare with my students, I want them to be able to see the "world that is bigger than they are". I am requiring them to pick topics that are greater than themselves -- not the typical musical artists, sports icons, celebrities, etc., but things that will matter and should matter to this generation. When we looked at the Shift Happens video, it was definitely an eye-opener for me. It not only made me think (which of course was the point), but it reminded me that the true art of a PowerPoint is the PASSION FOR YOUR TOPIC. I'm working with my students about truly getting that message and hope this will aid me in that pursuit.

In regards to working through the perils of bad PowerPoint presentation skills, I found a few webcasts that I thought were valuable to the age group I'm trying to target (high school students). Also, I really liked the humorous one, because as many times as I talk to them about it, the comedian was able to put a funny spin on what I'm trying to get across. The links are listed below:

Don't Read Your PowerPoint Slides

How NOT to Use PowerPoint

Killer Presentation Skills

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