Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I'm back on the trail of finishing up this "blog in progress". I had no idea honestly until I started working on this capstone project how many awesome projects that are out there for students. These include real life experience trips, labs, etc. that are out there for all different ages of students, as well as a variety of subjects. I am going to link to just a few of those that I found particularly worthwhile. I stronly encourage you to visit these and my hope is that, it will then springboard you in to many others. It was hard to pick just a few to list honestly. I was so excited by this find that I am working a number of them into my curriculum for next semester. Although I've been working with computer technology education for quite some time, I am stunned at what is out there if we just have the time to look and of course, the time to try these types of experiences with our students. I did my best to select suggestions that are supportive of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences.

The links are listed below:

About: Greatest Living Writers Project

Developing the Listening Mind

Let's Go Global

Locations for Learning

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